Sea Dragon: Mirri Maz Chair

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Mega Kill Shit-ocalypse 8 6 6 1.0
Inspiration for
Iron Dragon: Mirri's New Chair 3 2 13 1.0
New deck: House Greyjoy, Banner of the Dragon test 0 0 3 1.0

Sotiris 3

I liked Fruggles's report on his initial version of the deck and the simplicity in his description of the inspiration one. I took the parts I understood (Mirri Maz Duur, The Seastone Chair) and tried to make it consistent enough for me to understand it and play it.

What I did was the following:

  1. I played 3x Mirri Maz Duur as well as the cards necessary to fire The Seastone Chair kill (stealth characters and presence denial - Raiding Longship, The Kraken's Grasp - plus the attachment destruction We Do Not Sow).

  2. I played 3x Iron Mines because Fruggles said they were good :P

  3. I played 3x all the money and the reducers.

  4. I filled up with characters whose main requirement were that they had to be cheaper than my main ones (i.e. lower than 4g), because the deck is heavy enough as it is - that explains the absence of Magister Illyrio and The Reader.

  5. I tried to keep the character count to at least 30 - that explains the absence of Great Kraken.

  6. Ahead of the Tide for me is just deck thinning and I like that, hence the 3x.

P.S. I have no idea about gold curves and stuff like that, I'm an "amateur" theoretical card gamer. :)

I'll gladly talk about any part of the deck you find interesting!



The_Red_Throne 20

Considering a similar deck myself, but wonder... is Handmaiden worth the spqce just for Asha Greyjoy?

Sotiris 3

I don't think Handmaiden is worth it anyway.... I just cannot find anyone else that cheap with the "right" icons.... House Maester is an obvious choice, but he cannot be reduced, so he is essentially more expensive.

Do you have any thoughts for her slot?

The_Red_Throne 20

No, not really. I forgot she was a bicon, had remembered her with just . Was thinking replace her with Priest of the Drowned God, but then you'd have to find two other Targ cards somewhere. Which would probably have to come from removing Maester Wendamyr and one Lordsport Shipwright, but what you'd replace them with, I don't know either.

Sotiris 3

Good thought.

The replacement isn't a huge issue.... I like Maester Wendamyr because he can stealth someone away from Mirri. Lordsport Shipwright has also been proven extremely useful as early as possible to deal with Ghaston Grey and Highgarden and not let the opponent get the early rounds to set up. I would replace Salty Navigator with Braided Warrior in that case.

Overall this is a more efficient gold/strength construction. What I would like to playtest would be

a) how much would I miss the initiative bonus from the Salty Navigator: since I already have 3x Ahead of the Tide I think that could be ok.

b) is the increase in efficiency worth a possible straightening? Bearing in mind that the extra attack would not be able to use another The Seastone Chair in the same round, I am inclined to say that it is.

I will make the changes and see how it goes.

Thanks @The_Red_Throne!

The_Red_Throne 20

You're welcome!

Another thought I had too, maybe take out The Roseroad x3 and replace with Fishing Net x3? This would be to help get those unopposed challenges to trigger easier; especially if you're going to run Trading with the Pentoshi.

Sotiris 3

I had thought about adding Fishing Net, but the problem with that is that it protects from The Seastone Chair. If I net the most dangerous defender, I am probably netting the guy I want to kill. I could be wrong, it just seems counter-intuitive. Same with Milk of the Poppy. Fishing Net is a great card, it is just that I don't feel comfortable running it in this build. If you build the deck and run it, please give me some feedback!

Same goes for The Roseroad; I realise that, from a deckbuilding perspective, there are too many limited locations in the list. But there have been so many times that I have missed that one extra gold, that it doesn't feel right to take it out and then complain about the economy :P The locations haven't slowed me down thus far. Granted, The Roseroad is the least effective one, as it pays next turn, but it feels safer having it in there, especially as I am not running Calling the Banners.

The_Red_Throne 20

This is what I ended up with.

Tweaked the Plot Deck, plus the Fishing Net for The Roseroad switch. Testing it out over the next couple of weeks; will let you know what I think.

Sotiris 3

Nice! I will be very interested to see how it works with the more aggressive plot line, it is very close to what I use in the "more traditional" Greyjoy build.

By the way, I have tried to change the Priest of the Drowned God and the Braided Warrior but I can't seem to be able to edit here.... :( I would welcome any suggestions on how to do that!

The_Red_Throne 20

When editing... go into build and then options... make sure you're on 3 core sets. I've had that problem before, that if you're not on three you won't be able to edit it correctly.

Sotiris 3

I know what you mean, I had that problem when I first started building decks and I fixed it. I can do that when I'm in the deck in the "my decks" section. The problem is when I am in this page, with the comments, when I click "edit" I can only edit the name and the description, not the cards themselves....

Fruggles 106

Oh man, fun stuff, and a nice write-up to boot!

I grappled mightily with the Illyrio's Estate problem - it's so good for a Mirri deck, but when bannering Targ, it's just not efficient. Even with Taxation, it's just too inefficient to play them over the sea tower, and playing both puts you at 12 limited cards - and 30 characters, way low. Hurts your deck percentages too much to be worth it, IMO.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the deck, keep tweaking it! And thanks for the shout-out!

Sotiris 3

Thanks for showing up, @Fruggles!

I would appreciate a little enlightenment about the deck percentages you're talking about, I am mostly going with gut feeling :P

A question: even if you were to take out the Illyrio's Estates, you would still need 3 more Targaryen cards to fill the deck, the only cheap one relatively worth it for me is Handmaiden.... Maybe Rhaegal?

Another question, it's been asked in your deck as well: what would you change with True Steel?

Thanks again man! Keep 'em coming!

The_Red_Throne 20

Have you had a chance to playtest any?

Sotiris 3

No, it's been exam week; hopefully I'll get a chance this w/e!

Sotiris 3

NOTE: the following is about the edited version of the deck, which I can't edit here (my question is open on Github). The changes are:

-1x Roseroad + 1x Littlefinger

-1x Longship +1x Kraken

-1 Syrio +1 Reader

-2 Handmaiden +1 Braided Warrior +1 Illyrio

So I had a couple of games today.... A couple against Tyrell: my friend had bad openings with the wrong or not enough characters and we wrapped it up after setup as I would murder his board.

Against Martell bannering Tyrell the game took longer: he had lots of people to deny my chair and I had to draw more than half of the deck to see Mirri. Also, no longships to help with unopposed. A reset with Varys later and a couple of suboptimal plays, which we talked each other through, led to me taking it home with Balon Renown + unopposed + Kraken to reach 15+ to his 12 I think. I thought the game was going less than well for me, because he was holding his ground so well, but when we talked about it afterwards he explained that it put a great strain on his deck to hold out this long: the threat of a kraken's grasp, for example, led to him overcommitting to make sure I don't get a chair and a kraken, whilst the threat of vengeance led to me taking normal claim. It was a balance of terror :P

My draw made the difference, I draw at least twice more cards than him (just one from the reader and I think 3 from the kraken, before I started gaining power), with 2x counting coppers (yes, the game was that long) and summons and building orders and littlefinger. My hand was 1-2 cards constantly, while his was around 5, but the difference was on the board.

We wrapped up the rematch at round 2 because I would again murder his board.

Needs more testing, I'm not 100% comfortable with everything on the deck... We'll see.

The_Red_Throne 20

Interesting. I play in a casual tournament tonight; should have some more thoughts about it tomorrow.

Did you have Counting Coppers in there all along or did you switch it out with something?

Sotiris 3

It has been here from the start, the list here is the initial list, before any changes.

Good luck! I will be waiting to hear your comments! :)