Martell of Lys

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

J4cK 18

Play to win, not play to lose.

PLOTS Pretty standard stuff. Counting Coppers, The Long Plan and A Noble Cause are used to find the pieces you need and to meet the cost needed to play them. Wildfire Assault is trickier; it's there to reset the board when shit gets hectic so it's best played early, leaving it too late will ruin you. The deck is structured though to see you win by turn 6 at the latest. Forgotten Plans might get a look in instead of Wildfire Assault but testing will determine that either way.

Characters It's all about the Sand Snakes baby and that sweet, sweet icon control. Tyene Sand + Nymeria Sand + Attainted + Tears of Lys is what you're aiming for. . Edric Dayne is your troubleshooter and plugs the gaps when it comes to challenges, his stealth / Dawn combo can't be underestimated. The Red Viper does his thing but is not the main focus of the deck; possibly changed out with Harmen Uller when released. You're after a steady, continuous round by round power gain engine, not a late game power rush a la Doran's Game. There are number of 2 cost characters that if bounced due to The First Snow of Winter won't necessarily be missed if you're forced to discard them. You can usually predict the playing of that card though so try and time the playing of Counting Coppers or The Long Plan accordingly.

Attachments Dawn is crucial - look to play it on Edric Dayne, The Red Viper, or Knights of the Sun (renown - oh how Martell has missed you - situational or not). Two copies to counter Weapons at the Door. Intimidate, when fired, can be a game changer.

Locations Ghaston Grey - enough said. One Kingsroad as your plots are driving the econ. Tourney Grounds for events free

Events In Doran's Name for burst econ. And there is nothing sweeter when Tears of Lys or Vengeance for Elia hits.

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