The Antlers on the Walls

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

mattgrosso 44

This is a deck for people who don't like the uncertainty of going on challenges. It started out as a Bara-Watch deck but ended up moving here. You can find the original deck here: I'm keeping the notes from the original on here for myself.

Essentially it tries to slow things down long enough to build its location tech and just ride the wave of points at the end of every round from The Wall, Chamber of the Painted Table, Gendry, and Dominance.

No one character is all that important so when you lose someone big it isn't game ending.


Cards I'm considering slotting in:

Winter Festival Power for not going on challenges is sort of my thing.

Time of Plenty Until I get the draw engine going, a bit of extra draw might help.

Maester Cressen I'm not that worried about Milk because none of my characters is essential but it would be nice to have the attachment control and a Frozen Solid on the The Red Keep or The Iron Throne does suck.

In the Name of Your King! I've avoided events for the sake of setup but this one has been on the fence all along. It is nice to shut down a Mil challenge and I'm not planning on running too many of my own so the downside might not really matter.

Stannis Baratheon (TIMC) I like keeping my curve really low and I'm not wild about him reducing my power characters but spot kneel might be worth it.


Swapped out Wildfire Assault for Valar Morghulis. Characters really aren't my thing anyway.

Put in two Ranging Party and took out Thoren Smallwood and an Asshai Priestess. I just don't have enough surprise defense to make Thoren work and it's hard to beat the efficiency of the Ranging Parties.

I decided to lose Edric Storm. Gendry just isn't triggering for me and I think Valar is going to make him much less valuable. I replaced him with a couple of In the Name of Your King! because it will allow me an extra defensive win when I need it.

Took out Confiscation and replaced it with Winter Festival because I was only using Confiscation to protect Benjen Stark and I think I'd rather have the passive point gain.


I was playing this the other night with my friend (meta of 2!) and he asked why I had this set up as a Bara-Watch instead of a Night's Watch-Stag. Once he asked that I realized that the only loyal cards I have in here are The Red Keep, Tobho Mott's Armory, and In the Name of Your King!. I think that the role that those cards play can be filled with Night's Watch cards and might work a lot better.

So I switched the banner and the house and now I'm here.


I was thinking of bringing this to my local store championship this weekend but I think it might be a mistake. Valar Morghulis just came out today and this weekend is going to be all Greyjoy and banner of the Kraken. I'm not sure that this deck can handle that. If they include location hate it's really bad for me and I'm not really set up to deal with a ton of stealth.

I'm not that worried about Valar myself because most of my points come from locations but I think I'm going to have a hard time keeping the wall standing in the new meta.


Isle of Ravens! When I first read this card I didn't really understand how powerful it could be. A friend of mine used it against me last night in a Stark-Fealty deck to keep recycling his The Kingsroads and his Winter Is Comings to increase claim.

I think it might be super helpful in this deck to keep my Cravens and Milk of the Poppys in the deck as well as Support of the People and The Watcher on the Walls.

I'm going to try taking out one of my Support of the Peoples. We'll see how it goes.


Took this deck to a store championship last weekend. It went pretty well. I went 2-1 with a bye that was good enough to get into the cut where I lost in the first round. So, 2-2 on the day.

Round 1: Round 1 was against a Bara-Kraken deck. He got out 2 Iron Mines and a ton of duplicates right away. I never saw The Wall and had no way of slowing down his intimidate from Robert Baratheon and his stealth from Asha Greyjoy. It wasn't much of a match and I made a few mistakes. The moment I missed was about round 3 when I should have Valared but hesitated. Valar was going to hurt me a lot more than him because of his saves but in that moment I should have guessed that he was going to trigger Valar as well. A double Valar might have actually reduced his board state and given me a glimmer of hope.

Even if I'd seen The Wall I would have lost. He was better than me. After I conceded he showed me that he was sitting on two Risen from the Seas so I'm not sure how I could have affected his board at all.

Main lesson learned, against Greyjoy Valar sooner than you'd expect. Use it to clear out a powerful character and slow things down before your opponent can start building a wall of saves.

Round 2: This was against a really new player and I actually don't remember what they were running (Maybe Bara-something). It was a deck someone had loaned them that morning.

I was able to trigger a first turn A Feast for Crows as well as keep up The Wall and maybe even get off an unopposed or two for 6-7 power in round 1. The rest of the game pretty much went like that. I won 15-0.

Round 3: This was another blow out. This time against a Greyjoy deck (I forget the banner). This should have been a better matchup but my opponent just didn't see their cards. I'm not sure if it was 15-0 or not but it was close. We went ahead and ran it back for fun right afterwards and, with their location hate working, they were a much scarier match. But I'll take a win however I can get it.

Top 4, Round 1: This was against yet another Greyjoy deck. My opponent's deck was a pretty slow burn. I managed to get off all of my passive point gain except that The Wall didn't show up again (for such a big wall it seems surprisingly hard to find it.) I was sitting at 11 power to their 1-2 but I had no board state and they had finally assembled a Victarion Greyjoy point train that just ended the game. I'm not sure it would have swung it but I think I had a few rounds early on where I could have kept The Wall up if it had been there. That might have made the difference.

On the whole, I was pretty happy with the deck. I really like playing it because I'm starting to feel like I know how to pilot it. It might need a few small adjustments to find The Wall more consistently and maybe more ways to slow down their board state but I think it was a success.


turnerm83 2

I run 2 Winter Festivals in my KOW deck.

mattgrosso 44

@turnerm83 I could be convinced. But what would you take out? Maybe Ranger's Cache? I put that in as a pre-valar option but it doesn't work very often.

turnerm83 2

Yes, absolutely.

turnerm83 2

How much impact does Mel have? Would Edric Storm or Gendry be a better fit for you Dominance tech?

mattgrosso 44

I used to have both of them in here but it was too difficult to get Gendry off reliably so I took them out. Mel is super helpful pretty much all the time. Between her and some fiery followers I often get to kneel someone impactful and the priestesses are a nice bonus when they work.