Bara Kings of Reserve (Stahleck top 32)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

donovan 74

Hi Y’all,

This is the deck some of the Dutchies played at Stahleck last weekend. I really enjoyed playing the deck and had some really interesting matches. I went 6-1 in the swiss, losing my first round to a Martell deck that was able to trigger Tears of Lys and Tyene Sand which cost me the game. In the cut I played Luca Manfredini's Stark deck and lost in a really tight but incredible game which ended in only a one power difference, 13-14.

I'll try to explain the deck but feel free to ask if something is not clear.

The thing that makes this deck incredibly good is the dominance package which puts a lot of pressure on your opponent. Together with kneel and a very heavy event package it is pretty difficult to play against because at some point your opponent cannot afford to lose dominance anymore. This makes the challenge phase extremely interesting and difficult. Especially events like Ours is the Fury, Even-Handed Justice, In the Name of Your King! and Seen In Flames are very useful tricks that will control the challenge phase and make sure you win dominance.

The reason behind the Kings of Summer agenda is basically the reserve boost it gives you and makes plots like A Feast for Crows viable. Especially if you have The Iron Throne out as well. That plot worked wonders all day and puts a lot of pressure on your opponent. If you have The Red Keep in play you just draw tons of cards and the agenda makes sure you don’t have to discard anything. The other reason is the faction kneel you need for In the Name of Your King! and Shadowblack Lane. In the Name of Your King! is essential against decks that put a lot of pressure on you early on like Targaryen (Khal Drogo), Stark and Lannister. It also makes your opponents Put to the Sword almost impossible to go off.

There are only two summer plots in the deck, which is more than enough. Close Call is so good because the deck plays a lot of dupes (also to counter The First Snow of Winter), so you don’t really mind if an important character dies. In some matches, especially against Targaryen, you just keep your dupes of Melisandre in hand so you can play her next round if she dies to a Crown of Gold or Dracarys!. Targaryen is also the reason the deck needs A Song of Summer, because it makes your important characters’ immune to Crown of Gold and in some ways Dracarys! as well. The other reason for the plot are the two copies of Support of the People. It's really easy to trigger the event with the +1 bonus. With these two events you don't really need Building Orders so you can make room for Summons which makes it possible to search for Maester Cressen or a R'hllor card.

If you have any questions regarding the deck, please feel free to ask!


badass_bard 20

First of all, congratulations on your performance!

That seems like a really well thought out list. Thank you for sharing it.

I esspecially like that you don't play Stannis, who's imho just terrible. Stone Drum should maybe be in the deck, though. I also disagree with the decision of playing Summons over Building Orders but that might just be personal preference.

Bonuspoints for (probably) having a good MU against Jannis Bara/Sun. Dominance Strategies are the archilles heel of his deck.

nikotinlaus 616

Love the Deck Donovan and I am glad I did not run into you in the Tournament. @badass_bardSince he runs 2x Support of the People Summons is probably the better card of the two. Even though I recently tended to play Counting Coppers over both of them.

donovan 74

Thank you! Building Orders is a great card, but playing 2 Support of the People and no attachments makes Summons a better choice imo. If Milk of the Poppy was in the deck, I would've definitely played it.

Badeesh 28

Support of the People woo hoo! Glad to see another Bara-Summer player succumbing to the madness.

Badeesh 28

Tho I run 3 and play only 1 Iron Throne. Too much madness.

Benji 764

I had an awesome time playtesting it, always having the needed money to play the needed cards. A subtile balance has been found sith this deck. Congrats Donovan for driving it toward top 32 !

Baronerosso 160

Hi donovan, why 1 lightbringer? And what you think abou tourney grounds?

donovan 74

@Baronerosso Lightbringer is too good to not play the card. He can wreck an entire board in a single turn. It's also good because sometimes your opponent is forced to play confiscation which means their game plan know needs an extra turn to finish.

Tourney Grounds is a very good card which was in the deck until we made the very last changes. We wanted an extra In the Name of your King to counter aggressive decks which meant we had to cut tourney grounds. I rarely go in to the challenges phase without any gold. Sometimes you just don't play a character and keep 4/5 gold to make sure you can play your events and keep controlling the board. The deck only needs 3 characters to perform.

Baronerosso 160

Thank you donovan, maybe with a dominance deck and with lightbringer i wanna play disputed claim, but it's hard to find space. Now all decks change their building phase with valar, so we will see, but bara location will be more effective. I guess

Dydra 1494


I was wondering what is the reason for not including Stannis Baratheon (Core) ? I thought that a dominance based deck would love an entire enemy board kneeling ...

donovan 74

@Dydra Thnx! I really don't like Stannis in this deck. He works wonders in some games but he can be a real pain as well, he's a really tricky card. This deck has some kneel but if I were to run Stannis I would really go kneel heavy and play Consolidation of Power, Stinking Drunk and Filthy. Barriston is a safer choice and gets loads of renown to speed up the game as well. His ability is really handy if you play on a small board which this deck tends to do during to first few rounds of the game.

Baronerosso 160

After 1 month i don't know if i wanna play valar or not in baratheon..