I Warded a Dragon: A Poorly-played Regionals deck

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

benyar 1

Today we had the Regionals in Nashville. I made a deck that I thought could hold it's own against pretty much anything if piloted well, though it would be weak to Martell. I was kind of right, even though it finished 21st of 27.

Round 1: Luke W (from my favorite Thrones podcast, no less! Celebrity sighting!) -- yeah, Martell Fealty. It was brutal. I thought I got somewhere by freezing Ghaston Grey, but he didn't need it. Venomous Blade a weenie, kill the weenie. Lather, Rise, Repeat. Remove Catelyn Stark (Core)'s , then play Tears of Lys. Oh, Silent Sisters is 8 STR? Venomous Blade. Oh, now you only have Fast Eddie? Yeah, let's march. 0-1.

Round 2: Josh M, Tyrell Wolf: This was brutal, in the other direction. I kept Intriguing his key players out of the hand. From there, nothing could really be done. 1-1

Round 3: Peter B, Targ Kraken: This one was close, really only because I Ice'd Daenerys Targaryen quickly. We both played pretty well, IMO, but in the end I couldn't hold off his Econ Train and was overwhelmed with his strength. 1-2

Round 4: I WARDED A DRAGON. Krystal L, Targ Fealty. She started hot and I was ready to give up and drink beer, but I was able to Frozen Solid her Plaza of Pride AND her The Iron Throne and slowly whittle her board. She was whittling mine, too, leaving me bereft of icons wherever possible. She played Blood of the Dragon; I used Wolves of the North to stealth past, and kill, her House Maester. Because it was all I could kill. I held Ward in my hand for the whole game. She brought out Jhogo, and I started salivating, but then she played Marched to the Wall and dropped him, leaving me blue. On Turn 6, she left me with no icons, but made the mistake of playing Fortified Position. Why yes, I'll WARD THE DRAGON. DROGON STARK, HELLO HOW ARE YOU SIR. He ultimately went to military claim, but I was able to use him to hold her off that last turn, and then swing back to seal the deal. 2-2

So I knew a bit of 3-2 would make the cut, so I was kind of excited that I stood a chance to make T8, and even if I failed that, T16 looked likely, and hey, those Martell Tokens don't look so bad. So the announcements are here, and my opponent...

Round 5: Slayde H. Targ Sun. Welp. I ended the day as I started. This one wasn't AS bad, but my only real moral victory was warding a Bastard Daughter, causing him to discard when he Valar Morghulis'd. But again, he was able to keep my board small through all that annoying attachment love, and it wasn't really even close.

Thoughts: I've had this deck for several weeks, but made last-second tweaks to it that in the end didn't pay off. I removed 2 events (Arya's Gift) in an attempt to cut down on cards that were useless in setup. I replaced them with a Maester Luwin and a Wolves of the North. The Wolves fit the theme (the theme is headaches in math) and had some utility, but I might have been better served using Arya's Gift and dropping Frozen Solid. The available targets weren't really there, except in the game where I WARDED A DRAGON.


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