Shayne's Summerhall-Winning Greyjoy Fealty
scantrell24 3398 Other
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Shayne's Summerhall-Winning Greyjoy Fealtyscantrell24 3398 Other
Builders at warPolli85 328
Everyone Gets Paid Off (Lannister Rains, top 32 Stahleck)Zmirc 86 Premier
Queen Cersei Hyper Rush - Battle of Trident 2016 PH Winnerringoasuka 53 Other
Genoa 12 players Winner 6-0RDude 188 Other
I never BAMF! Wins again! - Västerås SC Winner(5-0)Buzz 560 Formal
PPI Refund - 4th Best Lannister at UK Nationals*mach 52
5th Stahleck NW valyrianestupe 50 Premier
TurboStags (2016 Moscow Store runner-up, SPb Store top4)Stigm 55 Formal
Targ Crossing Thrones WAR Top 32footlong 200 Premier
Unexpected indeed! V.2Diomedes 3359
Lannister ShadowsSonnyCA 46
Crossing Wolf (clone)Owen7496 5
Crossing Wolf (clone)Owen7496 5
The fish whisperer (top 16 at Stahleck joust 2016)Zmirc 86 Other
KSLiquid Lannisterksliquid 1
Big Priestess On Campus - Warboar Regional 6th out of 52.Von Wibble 191 Formal
Leaping Clansmen CrossingConfusedUs 79 Other
Squids Under The Sun(Top2 Winter kit Rome 12/02/2017)Carandras 64
The Freys Lay Their Claim (Baratheon, Crossing)ChrisChris 999
Fools on BoatsNormie 8
Vengeance of Daughters and Sisters-4th@ Brno Regionals 2017Damian Witek 50 Formal
Bara Wolf [Hong Kong Store Champion Top 4]Pat 28
King Garth the Magnificent (Starpike Runner-Up)bored2excess 452 Relaxed
Lannister SunSonnyCA 46
Tyrell wolf Ladies deck (6th place on The Siege of Meereen 2Supperppp 45 Formal
Ranger Crossing (Mog)nightswatch 8
Spiked dragons - winner Bologna winter tournament March 2016Matteo1985 43 Relaxed
Top Martell Worlds 2016Xenotrobe 36 Other
Le pouvoir précoce (Moscow 2017 Q1 3th place, 21 players)d.tokoun 54 Other