Bara Faith

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Another Affiliation 5 3 2 1.0

Neoptolemos 800

This deck was used in Friendly Open Season Break Tournament ( - we had to use 4 different decks in 4 rounds) and won against NW Summer builders (not within time though, Nerius conceded on 12-5 for me and 2 minutes left after challenges).

This deck is work in progress and I think it will be much more dangerous after new pack release - new plots will be amazing here. I've played Bara FM several years ago and never considered it t1 or even t3/4 deck, but it's really good power control. In playtesting it managed to beat several "better" decks, although definitely it needs some tweaking to be more universal.

My thoughts about the cards:

I'm not particularly happy with plots, although following Hanno's suggestion, I've exchanged The New Gods for At the Palace of Sorrows (R) and it was great decision. Looking forward to new Seven plots, though!

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