Prince of the Pirates

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Lemming 91

Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to post a my Deck from the weekend. It looks a bit janky but has good potential. Prince Khorane Sathmantes. I'm not kidding and I know he has no .

But hear me out: He is amazing! And he has no limits, only costs... Having access to post-marshalling phase kneel really helps if you are the first player.

The deck comes with a Bara Goodstuff package: Traitor to the Crown, Red Priest if you are made to go first and overall a decent amount of location control in form of: Khorane Sathmantes, Wraith, Salladhor Saan (FotS) and The Withering Cold.

For character control we have our beloved Prince, Melisandre (Core) and a R'hollor package, Mord, Shireen Baratheon (Core), Ser Imry Florent, Alester Florent, The Laughing Storm and Laughing Lord.

King's Landing (SoKL) was there to annoy Dominik Haas and to replay The Kingsroad and Wraith. It can also kneel to a smuggler if you have Salladhor Saan (FotS) and have no good target on your opponent's side.

Another key card of the deck is The Moon Door, it solves a lot of problems and can be triggerd by Khorane Sathmantes and Wraith.

The Red Keep (Core) for draw and pushing challenges.

Plotdeck: The Withering Cold always good to keep stuff down, remember you can trigger Khorane Sathmantes in taxation and flip into this plot. Double Supporting the Faith helps against jumpers, burn and shadows also We Do Not Sow outside of fealty. But mainly it's there for the Martell and Targ Matchup.

Wildfire was my reset of choice: Shireen Baratheon (Core) and Alester Florent are great if you kill them and you win ini against Valar Dohaeris , and this kneel deck likes small boardstates.

Gameplan: Kneel power icons and control the power challenge. Trigger Prince to restand Khorane and kneel another character. Slowly chip away.

Game 1 vs Glorring The Wars To Come (R). He didn't see eco and I knelt everything scary. Clean win.

Game 2 vs Dominik Haas The Many-Faced God Direwolves Aggro Was a cool game, Aggro is problematic but in the end Stark has to overplay the board to get its gameplan going and then Wildfire is there to punish.

Game 3 vs TheMeepleChampion Greensight I don't recall the game fully. I was fearing Drowned Gods because it can outpace me in challenges but it was a corpse lake deck and my opponent drew it late and my deck likes my locations in the discard pile as long as I have King's Landing (SoKL).

Game 4 vs Werner Wißpeintner Sea of Blood. Playing a friend is always nice, also we played online before and he would have even played my deck if I wouldn't attend. When time was called i was winning (around 12:3) but we asked to play for another round because during the game i had an urgent call of nature and there was a line in front of the restroom. In the final round I could not kneel his bloodrider and he did a claim 5 power challenge and after the 10 power swing and some uo, Werner was ahead. Cool game, lots of back and forth. Best game of the day!

Game 5 vs siegeszug Battle of the Trident Red Priest took an The Arbor which hurt the economy. Oldtown was controlled by Wraith and Khorane. Using Armies to trigger the agenda. I triggered Wildfire Assault on a slightly overextended board and the kneeling to care of the rest.

Game 6 vs WQB Knights of the Hollow Hill Early The Iron Throne (Core) secured a stable power gain for Martell. I drew lots of dupes of locations and the Varys that T1 was taken care of with a Red Priest was immediately replaced with help of a Greenblood Trader. Sadly The Moon Door showed up too late.

I enjoyed the majority of my games very much and I want to thank the organizers for doing a great job and the community who contributes towards that thrones is the enjoyable game we all love to play.

Please try out the deck and I'd love some feedback: Maybe it could be even Control Bob Deck with Khorane just as an additional tool!


siegeszug 356

The amount of kneel that comes out of this list cannot be underestimated. Creative deckbuilding abusing the missing limit on Khorane.

lennart-ip 784

cool deck!

Feuerbart 76

As I love Prince Davos, I can only like this as well :-)

dude_arya 1

Such a fun deck to play! thanks for sharing