House Lannister Fealty, 1st of 26 in Bologna (Italy)
ram_muai 110
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
House Lannister Fealty, 1st of 26 in Bologna (Italy)ram_muai 110
Burning Sun [Control]Teo Strife 58
Mirri Mass-Murder - Champion, Manila, PH SC (6-1)kennish 206 Formal
Martell Kraken: White Book Podcastscantrell24 3398
Areo SpeedwagonCweston312 4
Top 4 PH Nationals '16 - Martell Fealty (FFH)Gatilleon 105 Other
Martell Winter - Undefeated in 10-player Tournamentlok839 27 Relaxed
Martells with Lions Mini-Curve (From Deckbuilding Corner #1)robstjohn 120
Jumping Wildlingsholytispon 64
"The Shadow Garden" - 5th 3-1 (17p)Lannister 600 Relaxed
Lanni Castamer AMBUSH forewer.Elfik 6 Formal
Targaryen Fealty - Indy Regional Top 4furbolgy 39 Other
SC Winner: Cardiff, UK - Arbor Uniquesimabunneh 361
SC @Goblin Bologna (44 players): Runner UpBayushi Sezaru 684 Formal
Fire and Gold: Road to Winterfell - 6th (6-1)swiss Batalla 2Barnie25 228 Other
Rugby Summer GNK: 4-0, 15 players, Martell Fealtyhagarrr 835 Other
Lanni-Crossing, Siege of Highgarden-8th in Swiss, Winner!mageofdancingdragons 59 Other
1st place SC Arnhem, Netherlands 5 - 1: Targaryen, banner MaThijsM 104 Formal
Two Guys, One Deck: Lannister Fealty (#6)agktmte 1491
8th GenCon Joust - Peaches and Creamdarknoj 62
Neutral Wildling Deck, it's won a game!MadMeteorite 68
Rains of MartellChawa 3
Nedly Night's Watch and StarkJoe From Cincinnati 1672
1st place: Manchester, CT Store Championship 1/30/16 (Targarbrittfitch 39 Formal
Lannister/Rose Brothel Madame Supporting the FaithVsZeus 50
Sunbathing Lions, Winnipeg Regional Winner, Undefeatedefay 23 Other
“You Win or You Die” Decklist from Lannister Deluxecomicshopguy 282
S**t gold, pump and swing - Winner at BD Cosmos Montreal SCcadupa96 82 Formal
Deck for Wex: 1st place Blackwater 2016, 15th after swissslanderandlies 122 Other
The Longest Plan - Fracas 2017 Top16 FinisherLord Hakkera 21 Premier