[C6] Lannister Intrigue Rush 1.1 (Detailled Explanations)
Benji 764
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
[C6] Lannister Intrigue Rush 1.1 (Detailled Explanations)Benji 764
Stark Fealty: 5th place at GenConIcarusrising 198 Other
Chicago SC Winner: Lions Growing StrongPatrick_haynes 403 Formal
Lyanna Mormont's 62 +2 (Genoa Regional 1st Place,47 Players)Gattone87 178 Other
Fire and Bloodagktmte 1491 Other
SoCal Regional Winner 8-0-1 (52 Players)Bronson 117 Other
Greyjoy Fealty - Madrid Regional WinnerYamoro 115 Other
Trident 3-0: Classic Greyjoy is Back! (W/ Report)bored2excess 452 Other
Bara fealty - Regional Dortmund winner, 33 pplBorgio 104 Other
The Bear and the Ticklish Mountain 4-0 Store Championship WiThe Wicked Goblin 105 Formal
Burning on the Sand (7-0 NYC SC Winner)linkingverbs 197 Formal
Lady Arianne's Desert Rose - First British Regional Winner,James Harrison 104 Other
Stark Fealty - King of Swiss, Top 4 at Red SaturdayVaccaro 440 Other
Festival of Fools Winning Decksygmaghost94 869 Other
The White Book: Lannister Dragon (ep 227)PulseGlazer 367 Other
The Chivalry of the South: Top 8 Stahleck 2017mattastrophic 724 Premier
ITS THE POPO!!! (8-0 Philadelphia Regional Winner)bored2excess 452 Formal
Stark Fealty 2nd place Stahleck 2015 2.0 Tourney (4-1 in SwiBragonlair 230 Other
The North Unites - Winner (4-0) Mr. Nice Guy's Store TourneyRick IsLitFam 261 Formal
First Place Manchester SC 38 playerswedontplayforfun 109 Formal
LannintriqueOrganCheetah 1
Sansa LannisterMichaelSeverance 8
Imaginaire (Quebec) SC Feb 2016 - Stark Fealty 2ndistaril 566 Formal
D20 Rome tournament winner - Lanny Rose AggroooMarkdrive82 124 Formal
Night's Watch/Wolf: Power RushZilvake 120
Torre de la Espada Blanca top 8 (72p) - Rains of CastamereManuel Cabezalí 431 Premier
Sea StrippersSupremacy 120 Formal
Stark Lion, 4-0 Bristol Summer Kit, Boy King Blackfishbecsygirl 318 Other
Lannister KoW -- Worlds Top 16bradn 84 Other
The first drops over Castamere (1st place; 32 players; 7-1;Gerion Lannister 241 Other