2. Uneducators - Free Companies
Uneducators 1
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
2. Uneducators - Free CompaniesUneducators 1
Stark Crossing - For Friendly Open, by Hanno LunserFriendlyOpen 938
Stark Fools: Winter WeeniesNormie 8
We defend the Wall aloneJoe From Cincinnati 1672
Night's Watchpunz 25
Stark Crossing - For Friendly Open, by Hanno LunserFriendlyOpen 938
The Kraken's Crossing - Friendly Council (ep4)FriendlyOpen 938
Stark Fealty - For the Old Gods - Top 16 in War of the FaithJohannes 441 Formal
European Championship - King of Swiss- 5th overallgabi4008 415 Premier
Night's Watch Choke: Liberation of Yunkai WinnerKhal El 324 Other
Guys Being (Damp) Dudes: Champions of Westeros Runner upthehumanh 288 Premier
Doran's Jank - 2nd at Aldershot SC (32 players), pre GoH.Panda with issues... 200 Formal
Night Gathers... ( TOP 32 in Stahleck 2016 )Dydra 1499 Other
'How to beat Targ Wars' - 1st Spanish nats 18' (18 players)Adkadi 328
We defend the Wall alone SC Winner (5-1)Joe From Cincinnati 1672 Formal
Stark Fealty - For Friendly Open , by Harrison AndersonFriendlyOpen 938
We defend the Wall alone (Valar Edition)Joe From Cincinnati 1672 Other
Stark Rush (Friendly Open Cut Finalist)luke90 131 Formal
The Green Avalanche - Harrenhal IV Winner (6-1)BenBarnhart 230 Other
Stark Fealty - For Friendly Open , by Harrison AndersonFriendlyOpen 938
What do we say to the God of Death?Nymeria 88 28
Late Lord Theon - Cardiff Regional Winner: 7-1action_johnny 750 Premier
Satisfaction at the Palace of Sorrows (Top 4 at Queen in theChrisChris 999 Relaxed
All Grayjoys will rise again - TOP 4 Local Pinerolo (18p)lapalisse 168 Formal
Unexpected indeed!Diomedes 3359
The Sun in Their Eyes (1st place 5-0 at Game Cafe SC 10 PlayKale Enders 236 Formal
I do not show - Stahleck 2019 Top 8 best GreyJoy - King of WBlacknister 50
Choose, kneel, kill (clone)TheMadPersian 1
Rain Falls on the Moist and the Unmoist Alike- t16 Westerosthehumanh 288 Premier
Stark Crossing - For Friendly Open, by Hanno LunserFriendlyOpen 938