Play to Lose (Martell, Red Door)
ChrisChris 999
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Play to Lose (Martell, Red Door)ChrisChris 999
Martells - The Sun and Spear one to FearDeathlysteve 214 Relaxed
Top 16 and best Martell ZGZ VIIr480 158 Premier
The Knights who say Hi (GNK winner)Alduc 20 Relaxed
[Qyburn #5] You Killed the Red Viper. You Bastards!Kennon 263
A dastardly projectNymeria 88 28
Raining in DorneNymeria 88 28
Bastards Crossing OverNymeria 88 28
Martell Greenblood Summer FunJaqenHghar 37
Baby's First Martell Wars (Top 4 BoC)bored2excess 452 Formal
Princes of WinterKennon 263
A Lancer for Arianne 2.0Nymeria 88 28
广州 风暴降临 冠军牌组 双双太阳xd1412 10
Bastard Beatdown (Martell, Watch)ChrisChris 999
testadam_geek 479
House of Starfall. Cities of Dorne vol. 2Neoptolemos 801
Agot 2.0 Cube Martell plotstheputrid 42
Escapist: 2.0 Martell2ofdee 11
That Sinking Feeling of Impending Doom (SC Winner)bored2excess 452 Formal
Areo SpeedwagonCweston312 4
Marched to the... Ramsay (Top 2 & Top 4 at 2018 SCs/RegionalHybrid92 241
Martell Wars: The Isle & the LaneMagnusLothar 86 Formal
Moscow 2018 Q1 Tournament #2 - Winningdarki 21
New deck: House Martellkgh8981 79
Martell vs SoB - UpdateReader 298
Play the long Game - GNK Winner 4/1Noogus 36 Formal
The Longest Plan - Fracas 2017 Top16 FinisherLord Hakkera 21 Premier
Doran's Naval Wars to ComejustchillinOC 123 Relaxed
Disney Martell *** king of swiss Erik’s going away tournamTeamBasho 76 Relaxed
Angry Weenies at the Blackwater - TOP 16Stoenas 83 Premier