7K - Driftwood Fools - Wars to Come
Battle4the7Kingdoms 92
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
7K - Driftwood Fools - Wars to ComeBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
Death is but the next great adventure - Friendly Council (epFriendlyOpen 938
千面wolfbian 36
Winter At The Wall Berlin 4:1 SWISS - Thrusting Spearssiegeszug 356 Formal
Tyrell MFG Stahleck TOP 8Gazna 46 Premier
Winner deck "Batalla por el muro 2017" Daniel Correas Lópezkaikou 734
Martell SoB - Chilean Nationals Melee WinnerPeregrinTuk 14 Premier
The Night's Watch Old BearXutto1963 12
Ghosts of Bouncermere: 1st@LanghSC-1st@NapSC-Top8@TorSCNimer 2758 Formal
Shanni Crossing: 2018 KublaCup WinnerSoCalSandSnake 399 Premier
Nanterbridge - Loughborough SC Winnercobrabubbles 400 Formal
Fuck Greyjoy (currently 11-0 in local league play)Nogan 257
Stark Fealty, Battle of BwB FinalistQtt 179 Premier
The Green Avalanche - Harrenhal IV Winner (6-1)BenBarnhart 230 Other
"Tywin visits the Eyrie"King of Swiss Batalla 9-1alextrigw 276 Other
Queen in the North redone - Madrid Regional Winner 2017Manuel Cabezalí 431 Formal
Greyjoy Drowned God - 2nd in Finnish Regional (14 players)Johannes 441 Formal
New deck: The Night's Watch, wildlingmeilfran 1
Hey frèremeilhen 41
The Nine Lives of Lysa ArrynChrisChris 999
Margaery & Co. - Hand's Tourney double-TOP16, Side Event WinEla 92 Formal
The World Top 16, 7-1 Swizz round. Best Tyrelladam_geek 467 Premier
[WIP] C3 D3: Good things, Agropwoloszun 1
How I Almost Didn't Win Blackwater (But then I did)imabunneh 361 Premier
Greyjoy comboBeludo 178
GJ Drownedistaril 566
Hear Me Rain! - 2nd place, Fracas 2017ststripper 152 Premier
NW Winter Wildlings [Indy Regional Top 4]mplain 238 Formal
A Time of Plenty (of Margaery Triggers)thesynicalone 78
Sugarhill Clanjcwamma 2854