"The Last of the Resets" - 2nd in little Catalan tournament

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The World Top 16, 7-1 Swizz round. Best Tyrell 17 11 14 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Lannister 564

Hi guys!

Just wanted to share with you this revision of the deck from this great Melbourne player as is Adam_geek.

So taking as a reference what I've been practicing lately with my Tyrell Castameres, Adam's 3x Varys with Last of Giants reset decks and what my meta friend Harren did at Stahleck (congrats mate), I came up with this deck adding a few cards from the deluxe box and the Archmaester's key. Finished second after just losing the game against Martell banner of the Wolf.

Knowing that was my first time playing against blood thirsty Dohaeris players, I knew that jumpers is an obvious solution, but not interested to go back to Lannister at the moment as I'm in love with the Tyrells lately (L)

For you to see how sweet the combos can be. This happened today: Attacked using Oathkeeper with Renly Baratheon (FFH). Sacrificed it to get Mag the Mighty in hand. Brought him on board by using "The Last of the Giants". Attacked military. Killed my own Garth the Gross to get Randyll Tarly by Margaery Tyrell (AMAF)'s effect to the action. Claim and intimidation with Mag. Used Isle of Ravens to bring back to my deck the Oathkeeper. And used Ghosts of Harrenhal to bring back Mag the Mighty to the gang. DOPE.

SOME HINTS: The key is BE PATIENT. You are gonna be behind the first 2 rounds in power. Don't worry. Build your economy and locations. So don't go crazy spending the big money plots at the very start unless you have The Arbor in hand which could be a good moment to play Late Summer Feast. So basically focus on finding the most economy locations at the beginning. Elinor Tyrell is the key (Adam's Signature). Don't suffer to go with coppers the first 2 rounds. Place limited locations and reset with Varys to bring back your opponent to an initial state. You are gonna have way more draw and economy. Recycle cards with Isle of Ravens. Resurrect characters and copy plots with Pulling the Strings and Varys's Riddle. Mind Valar Dohaeris. Don't accumulate way too many lords until you are sure you can.

So the MVP's are:

Oathkeeper It came to my hand in all the games. Cheap, +2 is awesome to trigger castamere and you can fill your hand with tasty neutral characters to bring in play with "The Last of the Giants".

Isle of Ravens It is a x2. Trust me. Against attrition decks it is sooo useful. Even more if you are gonna reset so many times. Besides bringing back discarded lords for Marge to find them is very useful. Recycle events, etc. I could not live without it anymore.

"The Last of the Giants" + Varys: Bring your opponent back to the start line. Until you are clearly superior.


The Hand's Judgment: Keep in hand them for possible Treachery or Nightmares on Varys. Otherwise just protect yourself from other events.

Pulling the Strings and Varys's Riddle: Copy those Heads on Spikes, Counting Coppers, etc.

Ghosts of Harrenhal to bring back massive beasts as Mance Rayder or Mag the Mighty who is better than any The Iron Throne to win dominance. This guy plus Margaery Tyrell (AMAF) gives you a massive advantage.

House Florent Knight they are key after a reset. If your opponent goes first after wiping his board and if you have Renly's Pavilion you can do pretty nasty things like today when I discarded a Melisandre (Core) and was game.


Ask me anything you want and feel free to comment your success with it!!! :D

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