Bara Companies Stahleck 2022 (2-6, 2-2)
BlueHill 50
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Bara Companies Stahleck 2022 (2-6, 2-2)BlueHill 50
Ours is the Steel (World Championship 2022, 3-3 deck)DrEvilsPjs 18 Other
1st Place Thronestoberfest 2019Euro Bruh 90 Premier
Baratheon KOTHH - For Friendly Open, by Miha VrbanecFriendlyOpen 938
For Storm's End!DrEvilsPjs 18
Power Wars II - The Bannermen Strike Back, BotBoC WinnerSonOfBattles1 464 Formal
If I'm going to do poorly, I may as well pay homage to the eslanderandlies 122 Other
The Nine Lives of Lysa ArrynChrisChris 999
Stahleck - Top Bara 8-2 Top 32Euro Bruh 90 Premier
The Night is Dark and Full of V'hllormak 324
The Rains of Summerhallmak 324 Other
Sumer is icumen infootlong 200 Relaxed
Blessed Bob Goes To Qohor (2nd, Australian Grand Champs)Hybrid92 241 Premier
A Cask of Alester, 3-3 at Feast For Crowsthehumanh 288 Formal
Baratheons Public ExecutionTomotto 40
The stag with a rose and the goat - Top 4 Barcelona Storenoob 20 Formal
Azhor Ahai NaharisChrisChris 999
Melisandre (FotS) Azor Ahai RebornSYX 65
New deck: House Baratheon2ofdee 11
Opening the Door to Mel’s Starry Septrobrobrobwright 36
Red Saturday Winner 2019Euro Bruh 90 Premier
Weird Bara Decks - The Night is Dark and Full of BotleySonOfBattles1 464 Relaxed
Bolek and Lolek playing Knight (A Feast For Crows II)footlong 200
Baratheon Qohor - Champion: La Serena Prime & Chile GrandPeregrinTuk 14 Premier
Kneel them then kill themcallumgie 120 Premier
Warrior of LightDaxam 20
The Azor boys are back in townrobrobrobwright 36
Vancho's Sunday Friendly Open 3uBaH 140
Bara basicTeamBasho 76
Escapist 2.0 Baratheon2ofdee 11