Knights of the Crossing (SC 4-0)
RainKing 69
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Knights of the Crossing (SC 4-0)RainKing 69
Greyjoy weenies - Melee winner of Blackwater 30pIsian.H 706 Premier
2/27/2016 Card Kingdom (Seattle, WA) SC Winner 6-1 , LannistBluebird503 240 Formal
Martelling It Like It Is! 2nd Place Kilkenny Store Championsdqthemountie 63 Formal
Martell LotC SC winner in a field of 22academo 555 Formal
Batalla por el Muro BEST LANNISTER top 16, 151playersUvealAtlant 75 Other
Stahleck 2017 finalistDunkha 42 Premier
Migrating Coconuts (Tacoma Regionals 2nd place)darklordjim 86 Relaxed
Fresh Frey Rushststripper 152
Fat Cat vs the World (5-0 Laughing Tree, 4th Stark Day 1B)tomdidiot 95 Premier
King Balon Drowns (2nd at Atomic Empire SC, 18 players cut tNogan 257 Formal
The Vince That Was Promised - Top 4 Australian Nationalsfayezm 45
Queen Cersei Hyper Rush - Battle of Trident 2016 PH Winnerringoasuka 53 Other
Legal DeckGreyjoy 1
Legal DeckGreyjoy 1
I never BAMF! Wins again! - Västerås SC Winner(5-0)Buzz 560 Formal
Greyjoy crossing - 3rd (of 16) at Leiden Regionalstarclown 142 Formal
TurboStags (2016 Moscow Store runner-up, SPb Store top4)Stigm 55 Formal
Targ Crossing Thrones WAR Top 32footlong 200 Premier
He Call it "102" - Tyrell Crossing Top 16 Italian NationalLawyer 426 Premier
Go First, Go Fast - Win!Polli85 328
Crossing Wolf (clone)Owen7496 5
Crossing Wolf (clone)Owen7496 5
The Pack Survives: The Lord Commander Winner (Melee)CameronD 730 Other
Tyrell Freysscantrell24 3398
Leaping Clansmen CrossingConfusedUs 79 Other
The Freys Lay Their Claim (Baratheon, Crossing)ChrisChris 999
House Lannister_primer ciclocalamar 1
King Garth the Magnificent (Starpike Runner-Up)bored2excess 452 Relaxed
Voltron Snow's Crest - YouTube Deck TestKnight Of The Blackwater 136