Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
A Dance with Dragons 2nd Place Kingsmoot Tournament | 33 | 27 | 8 | 1.0 |
House Targaryen - Fealty | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Dracarys milk brings tears to the sword! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Targaryen Rising | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Targa Fealty (2 time 4W/1L in 2 Joust) | 6 | 6 | 2 | 1.0 |
Dragon's Fire - Cambridge RunnerUp | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2.0 |
Daenerys Khalasar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Fire and Blood | 26 | 25 | 15 | 2.0 |
The Magic Dragons | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Fire - Core Set Only - Friendly Open | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
agktmte 1491
Tips and Tricks
- Use Dracarys! to remove opponent’s characters whenever possible.
- With Fealty you can even bluff a Dracarys! by kneeling your faction card early in the challenges phase.
- Waking the Dragon can be used to stand a Dragon after your opponent commits to a challenge thinking that they are safe.
- Fire and Blood is also great for a surprise Dragon, it also makes playing Wildfire Assault a bit easier since you can bring one of the Hatchlings back in the challenges phase.
- Another good Waking the Dragon play is to use it on Viserys Targaryen so that you can remove an attachment and play him again the next turn.
- Prioritize challenges before challenges so that you can trigger the Plaza of Punishment and kill any claim soak characters before your claim.
- Counting Coppers is used to refill your hand, so don’t worry about playing too many cards early. If your economy is well established, then you can use it as early as turn 2 or 3, but it is usually saved for turn 4 or 5 when you are really running out of cards and need to reload.
Setup: Look for at least 4 cards with 1 Limited. Mulligan otherwise.
Turn 1: You will hopefully have Khal Drogo or Daenerys Targaryen in hand. So open with A Noble Cause. You may have Littlefinger or Magister Illyrio instead. That’s fine. If you do not have a Lord or Lady, then pick from Marched to the Wall or Filthy Accusations, whichever benefits you most based on your opponent’s setup.
This can get punished hard if your opponent opens with Naval Superiority, but that’s okay because you won’t lose the game on turn 1 when your opponent has such low income. Luckily, we have a second copy of A Noble Cause that we can use next turn and they have already used their Naval Superiority.
Turn 2: If you are lucky, you have another big character to play this turn. Use A Noble Cause and play it. If not, save it until you do and use Marched to the Wall, Filthy Accusations, or Confiscation (for Milk of the Poppy).
Turn 3+: Use whichever plot seems to give you the most benefit. You’ve probably been playing as many of your cards as possible through the first two turns, so this would also be the first time that Counting Coppers would be a reasonable play. You probably want to do that unless you can hurt your opponent more with Marched to the Wall or Filthy Accusations if they have not already been used.
Just won a 16 player tournament with thr deck. Won against Tyrell Fealty, Targaryen Banner of the Lion, Martell, and Baratheon Banner of the Rose (kneel with some extra renown and STR boost) in the final. |
Awesome deck, glad you took the tourney with it! This kind of thing is perfect for the new player, so a big thank-you on behalf of the community for the list and helpful comments. Hopefully I will get around to doing the same with some of mine! |
Thanks for sharing this, this deck is really a tons of fun ! against agressive deck i never used seal of the hand due to me needing to spend golds to play characters, how do you feel about replacing them with tears of lys ? I feel seal is maybe win-more... |
With that said, I think that if Seal of the Hand is being attached to a character like Khal Drogo, it is more valuable than playing any other 3 or lower cost character in that situation, even against an aggro deck. So it does depend on the specific scenarios being encountered in each game. And in regards to Tears of Lys, it's a great card and certainly worth finding room for it. There are only 13 cards in the deck, so finding space for 2 Tears of Lys could be at the expense of some other cards. For example, one thing other players have mentioned is using only 2 copies of Drogon and Viserion, so you could try cutting one of each of those for Tears of Lys and keep Seal of the Hand in the deck. I'm hesitant to remove Seal of the Hand with Baratheon being such a strong deck in the current environment, if your gaming group doesn't use Baratheon, then go ahead and cut Seal of the Hand. |
The deck can be seen in action at the Tulsa release tournament in the first and final (fourth) games of the archived) stream. |
Thanks for your reply ! i'm still really new to the game and although i know Baratheon fealty is a thing , i didn't thought about it as a nice tech card. I don't feel cutting dragons for tears of lys thought, i like mah consistency lol. |
I would try to get one more The Iron Throne in there. |
I have used your deck last weekend and I have loss only once. But, I realized that i didnt use Counting Coppers. I have the idea of putting 2 copies of the Winds of Winter plot since Ive Khal Drogo almost always on board last weekend.. Maybe dropping Filthy Accusations, The Wildfire Assault (since its 2 claim military) or Confiscations(we have Viserys on deck, but this plot helped a lot).. your thoughts? |
Yeah for a while I toyed with the idea of putting Summons in this deck in its place as well while playing with it. But there were more times where I am hoping to draw into one of my remaining event cards than anything to keep tempo going. This has me keeping Counting Coppers in for its place. The consistency of characters is enough where the summons hasn’t found a necessity over it. |
Just took a variant of this 3-0 in a field of 20, came 2nd. Thanks. |
I just piloted this (as a base, with small changes) in a field of 15 as well to 2nd. Unfortunately, neither of us that just reported came out on top here. I lost twice; once before the cut and once at the finals. Both of the losses were against . I feel that this is the matchup that I struggle with the most. I don’t feel like the games were unbeatable, they were close. But if I can’t keep the pressure on enough, I feel as though they win out and find a moment with Rise of the Kraken to get a nice push round and fire out a serious gain to victory. |
Greyjoy wasn’t quite as popular and Rise of the Kraken wasn’t released when this list was first published. So now we have to crack that matchup. I think Tears of Lys is important to get Balon Greyjoy out of the way as soon as possible. Also, the only thing resembling a counter to Rise of the Kraken is A Game of Thrones. Maybe we can make room for those somewhere. In this published list, Filthy Accusations and Wildfire Assault are both flexible options that could be replaced. |
Those are good points. It has been somewhat common for the player to run several Little Bird in their decks as well however, and a good place of that on the right character is often enough or Euron Crow’s Eye. But it is potential one of the better options that we have. Fortified Position would most likely keep the round from being too terrible, but still would likely cause a claim 2 to find its way through. But hopefully taking out the stealth and Balon Greyjoy abilities would keep the power swell down. But, I am not sure that Fortified Position is a good choice, just another potential option to drop in that situation. Both times I knew that Rise of the Kraken was coming that turn. I don’t think it is often much of a surprise. So dropping one of those plots at the right time might keep that turn from becoming a disaster. Best choices we potentially have right now though that I can think of. |
Help me out here but doesn’t Targ need to see Danny? If so why no summons plot? |
“@Thejunkie42` Summons is one of the plots that I put in instead of the second A Noble Cause. I can manage to get the next Lord or Lady that I find on my own. But I do need to find them as you pointed out. And it is a decent recovery after a Varys or Wildfire Assault. That is one change of mine to the deck. |
With her and Khal Drogo in the deck, I always play it in whatever style needed based on the cards I’ve drawn. So with that in mind, Littlefinger and Counting Coppers made more sense to get me a few more cards if I don’t have Daenerys Targaryen. Since she is the only in-faction draw it is pretty important to get her into play, but not important enough to use Summons in my opinion. Some games I can get Khal Drogo turn 1 and then I just play it aggro style, sometimes I get Daenerys Targaryen right away and I can play the Voltron style with a big character claiming power through Renown and sometimes I saw neither character so I would just grind out some games with the control and recursion effects. Dracarys! is one of the most important cards to get and Counting Coppers is the only plot that helps you find it. |
Going first or second is interesting, I play the deck in a more reactive way so I typically pefer to go second. However, if you have Khal Drogo and an ability to win both challenges, then it could be advantageous to go first. |
Have you published your updated version agktmte? |
I just came in first with a small spin on this a couple weeks ago in a group of 14 . It went undefeated before and after the cut. It performed better against much better than it did in a previous event. Nonetheless, 1st, 2nd and 3rd so far with this. Where do you plan to fit in a Crown of Gold? I am thinking of taking out a single Waking the Dragon for it, which have occasional great promise, but also sometimes just end up in my hand with little use. |
I appreciate the setup instructional and the detailed deck decisions; especially the small awaken the dragon scenario hints. I like the idea of all events in the deck with a potential for a 0 play cost. That is really appealing with fealty.
I am still awaiting for my third core set in hand (I only picked up two copies at GenCon). This does seem like an intriguing way to play Targaryen and I want to continue playing them because I like the style and find it fun to play.