Martells Matter
DayneNight 17 Relaxed
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Martells MatterDayneNight 17 Relaxed
8Regents - Short and SweetDerry 134 Relaxed
7K - Les Zouaves - MFGBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - Les Zouaves - KrakenBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - Les Zouaves - FealtyBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - The Scorpion Kings - RainsBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - House Hannover - RainsBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - House Hannover - ConclaveBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - People's Front Of Lannisport - FalconBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
7K - U, U, U and U - Wars to ComeBattle4the7Kingdoms 92
🇳🇴 Martell A Mummer's Farce World CupMagnus 216
You Won't Make A Fool Out Of Me - Friendly Council (ep9)FriendlyOpen 938
Martell Fools: Big BoysNormie 8
Martell Fools: Little GuysNormie 8
Martell BotT: Melee deck for Craster's Keep, Norwegian NatioAypaulie 45 Relaxed
House Martell The Wars To Come - For FO, by Marcel AriasFriendlyOpen 938
8 Regents - Unburned Armies8 Regents - House Martell 88 Relaxed
8 Regents - 2023 - The deck that defeated Alex8 Regents - House Martell 88 Relaxed
8 Regents - 2023 - Your Risens are belong to us8 Regents - House Martell 88 Relaxed
The Lady that was Promised - Winner (5-0) 2nd German OnlineIkaPakao 107 Relaxed
Martell Lion - STAHLECK Melee 7th place (3 wins during RoundGabryel 11 Premier
House Martell The Long Voyage - For FO, by kantzsotFriendlyOpen 938
Martell BotT: Stahleck 2022 Melee deckESMA 8
House Baratheon Brotherhood - For FO, by Jiří DrábekFriendlyOpen 938
Clanni Free CompanyZrowrequiem 129
House Martell The Wars To Come - For FO, by Marcel AriasFriendlyOpen 938
Kingdom of R'hllorNeoptolemos 801
The Fabulous Royce BrothersSammy 40
House Baratheon Brotherhood - For FO, by Jiří DrábekFriendlyOpen 938
DVG.双双太阳 冲鸭Superduck 156