Project: Nostalgia Casual Standalone - A Game Of Thrones The
mariusmessenger 105
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Project: Nostalgia Casual Standalone - A Game Of Thrones Themariusmessenger 105
Lannister White Book - For Friendly Open, by Ilja MuromezFriendlyOpen 904
Chop-Chop Man - UK nationals 1st place LannisterVon Wibble 191 Premier
Clansmen of the sea (CoW top 8)Ortos 149 Other
Lannister Banner Dragon- 2016 NAC Championship Winnerimrahil327 129 Other
Hear Me Roar!AydenTargaryen 11
Lanni Conclave friendly openMakak 21
Jank WinsVikingfreek 120 Formal
Scary Little Cats (Top 8 at the Charity Christmas event)Odrl 1251
Lannister/Rains [One Collection Casual]ChannelDelibird 1074
Lanni KoW-Top 4@Italian National Championship (116 players)hungarman 124 Other
Regionals @Goblin Bologna (65 players) - WinnerBayushi Sezaru 684 Formal
Whores and bastards (Moscow 2017 Q1 1st place, 21 players)MaxSnow 284 Other
Lanni Dragon - KublaCon Winning List (42, California)Ryan Jones 173 Other
Lanni Kraken - Silly, fun & "good"? - King of Swiss Manchestmach 52 Formal
Lannister Rains LeoLeo1113 26 Premier
[C6] Lannister Intrigue Rush 1.1 (Detailled Explanations)Benji 764
Margaery & Co. - Hand's Tourney double-TOP16, Side Event WinEla 92 Formal
Chicago SC Winner: Lions Growing StrongPatrick_haynes 403 Formal
Golden Boys (Best Lannisters; 2x Stahleck Top32)YuleOoze 241 Premier
God save the Queen popijacopino 2
SoCal Regional Winner 8-0-1 (52 Players)Bronson 117 Other
The Ser'sVipess 102
Lanni Crossing Top 16 US NatsVaccaro 440
The Bear and the Ticklish Mountain 4-0 Store Championship WiThe Wicked Goblin 105 Formal
Martell Lannister WI Regional Winning Deck 7-0-1mnBroncos 542 Other
[WIP] C3 D3: Good things, Agropwoloszun 1
Festival of Fools Winning Decksygmaghost94 869 Other
Jumpers of the Sun (1st in a field of 17)academo 555 Other
The White Book: Lannister Dragon (ep 227)PulseGlazer 367 Other