Sea Strippers
Supremacy 120 Formal
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Sea StrippersSupremacy 120 Formal
The Cursed (King of Swiss, Greek Nationals 2017)Atanas Keranov 410 Premier
Greyjoy Alliance of the Queen's guardAssortedNeedles 58
Winner Barna DohaerisHarren 555
Greyjoy Crossing - #282ftw (Singapore Open 2016 1st)geenetlee 90 Other
We Do Not Banner: War of the Five Kings Runner-UpPatrick_haynes 403 Other
Greyjoy/Crossing - SC Harrisburg Winnerhattrickflyer 374 Formal
New deck: House GreyjoyKlanister 1
Bars and Pinch - King of Swiss, Red SaturdayVaccaro 440 Formal
Abig & Aboat - Top8 DwD onlinevexien 747 Formal
House Greyjoy - The Krakens of Pyke (Intro)mcd1982 18
GJ Drownedistaril 566
Best Greyjoy@Tigella 2017 (Regional 100 players - top 16)Gullbert 55 Relaxed
Escapist: 2.0 Greyjoy2ofdee 11
Grey Lion - pillage returns ! - TOP 16 Czech NationalsLordP 56
New deck: House Greyjoy2ofdee 11
Top 8 Singapore Nationals / Greyjoy Kneel !!kenlau82 207 Other
The Rains of PykeOldShrimpEyes 428 Other
A Pinch of Salt - Top 32 Worlds & Summerhall 3 Winnervexien 747
Winner Russian National 2018higf 119
Sea Dragon - Top4 Champions of Westeros, Winner of Moscow QMister 62 Formal
Kraken The WhipBTrain 125
"The Red Hairing" -- Best Greyjoy at US Nationals (11th in sghosthost 39 Premier
GJ Rains: Regionals Arnhem Runner UpStoenas 83 Formal
Ghost of PillagePolli85 328
Stormy SeasThantastic 161 Formal
NoEcons4U v2 - King of Swiss - 39 Player Singapore OpenHouseSotong 66 Formal
Kneel before the Kings of the Sea Twice 1st on 19 p. fieldnicogm 100 Other
[In Search of Jank] A Pinch of AssaultChannelDelibird 1074
The Vince That Was Promised - Top 4 Australian Nationalsfayezm 45