Martell - Lion Shadow

Benji 764
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

54x Other Stuff

RenHero 38
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Burning Roses

tanis1 1
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

New Lands

Rossiar 1
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Rise of the Kraken

edrazpgh 41 Relaxed
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Targ: Fealty 2.0

Arjay88 196
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Clansman conclave

gabi4008 415 Formal
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Dragon Sun

neoclown 3
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee

Mar de sangre 3

Tapiasking 7
Standard v1.13 Joust Melee
Standard v1.12 Joust Melee
Valyrian v1.0 Joust Melee