TyrellTrinity:Lady Mummer Council Stahleck Melee 2024 2nd
mqsi 205 Premier
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
TyrellTrinity:Lady Mummer Council Stahleck Melee 2024 2ndmqsi 205 Premier
Winner deck "Batalla por el muro 2017" Daniel Correas Lópezkaikou 734
CHAMPION STAHLECK 2017Harren 555 Premier
Nanterbridge - Loughborough SC Winnercobrabubbles 400 Formal
Buondiablo's knights (20 player tournament winner in BolognaBuondiablo 170
The Green Avalanche - Harrenhal IV Winner (6-1)BenBarnhart 230 Other
"The Many-Spies Stuffed God" - Winner Playtest Friendly 3Lannister 588 Relaxed
Summer Knights With a Cute Lady (Marge is qt) (Tourney EditiAverageBear 1
Summer Knights With a Cute Lady (Marge is qt) (Tourney EditiAverageBear 1
The Green Manchanorwichi (1st, Norwich Regional, 7-1)jcwamma 2854
Saint Ignatius of Loyola and his SparrowsChrisChris 999
Tyrell, get gold, get cards, win(Dockside Brothel Days Champkweeny 476 Premier
The World Top 16, 7-1 Swizz round. Best Tyrelladam_geek 467 Premier
Knights of the Realm: Atlanta Regionals 1st(ish), Gencon 22nixwt 156 Premier
2017 Australian Nationals Champion. Undefeated 9-0 Tyrell Raadam_geek 467 Premier
Ladies Knight! (6-0 Winner of Knoxville Store Champ)AlexandertheBAMF 195 Formal
How I Almost Didn't Win Blackwater (But then I did)imabunneh 361 Premier
"Lord Roose's Ride" Moscow 2017 Regional - top 4, king of sMaxSnow 284 Formal
Tyrell Summer Mace it! 9th in Stahleck, 3rd after swiss.Johannes 441 Premier
2021 US Nationals - Joust 4th Place (March 5th, 2022)Madbowens 2 Premier
Flower Power Rush (Tulsa Regional 2017 Winner)Zack_Price 243 Formal
Escapist house tyrell v12ofdee 11
A Time of Plenty (of Margaery Triggers)thesynicalone 78
Summer Knights Summer Lovin' (S.C. Champ: Norman, OK)Zack_Price 243 Formal
1st and 2nd place FESTIN de PUERCOS 2017 (Chile)TeamBolton 78 Formal
Knights of the Crossing (SC 4-0)RainKing 69
Bridge of Spies - Winner Champions of Westeros (10-2)Diomedes 3359 Premier
Unexpected Pleasure, 3-1 NC Regionalkidohearts 1295 Premier
Tyrell Vastamere. 2nd Rome RegionalBaronerosso 161 Formal
Large Marge In Charge (1st, Diversions 10-person GNK)Diavolomaestro 86 Relaxed