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Superduck 129
Congratulate to Jingzhiaiming with a nice NW deck.
This is the deck I use for 2023 China National and get top-4. Lose to Baratheon Shadows and Winter GJ, two weak match-up.
Tyrell is not strong recently tbh, hope to see some strengthenings of Tyrell in the future :)
Some slight changes:
Begging Brother is very necessary and helpful. Tyrell is lack of control.
Sweetsleep: Chinese evironments are usually full of Milk of the Poppy, Sweetsleep can also deal with Traitor to the Crown, A Pinch of Powder, War Scorpion and The Brotherhood Without Banners Baratheon with Azor Ahai Reborn.
Expose Duplicity. A surprise for one of the best player Bing which aims to play shallows Lannister. The King in the North (R) that I previously used is also great.
Ser Jaime Lannister (BtB), containing POW icon and renown, also prevents unexpected jumpers suggested by Magnus.
Tournament review:
Swiss round 1 vs Bye- Privilege of Regional Champion :)
Swiss round 2 vs Winter Greyjoy - Loss: GJ got 3 Botley Crew at turn 1 and Barring the Gates. Destroy The Arbor with We Do Not Sow and the game ends soon.
Swiss round 3 vs Tyrell "The Rains of Castamere" - Win: My opponent mis-reveal wrong plot Valar Morghulis with turn 2. Last turn a key cardThe Hand's Judgment blocks Growing Strong to prevent Wildfire Assault.
Swiss round 4 vs Aliance NW with Martel and Free Companies (Champion of this tourment) - Win: I played Political Disaster to discard 3 key locations at turn 2. He is mis-claculate last turn, using War Scorpion and Meadowlark but still lose miltary challenge.
Swiss round 5 vs Shallows Lannister by Bing - Win: Political Disaster is still the MVP one that slow down the economy of Shallows. The whole game is under control then. Ser Robert Strong helps to win an uo challenge last turn and get 15 powers before the upcoming Valar Morghulis
Top 16 vs Fealty Greyjoy - Win: GJ is lack of dups and Risen from the Sea. Valar Morghulis kills everyone and I still have 2 left in the last turn.
Top 8 vs. Barathon - Win: My opponent is rest today :)
Top 4 vs. Shadows Baratheon - Loss: I am quite poor this game and do not get any economics until plot 4. my opponent have The Black Cells and Melisandre (Core) at first turn. I cannot find Milk of the Poppy or Begging Brother neither. Last turn Baratheon uses Ser Imry Florent and kneel my 6 knights, with a new The Black Cells and Shadow Priestess and control another 2. But he also makes mistake to let Ser Barristan Selmy (TS) stand. I got power 8-9 and fail to make the last one with Oldtown. Perhaps I will win the game since there are more cards remaining the deck if I made it! A dramatic ending!
Hope you enjoy! Thank you all.
Thanks for posting this, and congratulations for your performance. :)