Free Companies Bestow
Orthran 3
Standard v1.12 | Joust | Melee | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Joust | Melee |
Free Companies BestowOrthran 3
Brienne the Bluescantrell24 3398
Hot Summer KnightsSkedarman 125 Other
SJthrones Live Deckbuild: Sand Steed + 58 Cardslinkingverbs 197
Tyrell/Lion knightsDaDippy 2
The knights of The Reach banner the lionteaxer89 169
Baratheon Kingsguard+Small CouncilDirtyHarry 19
One on one knights. 4th place Westeros; 10th place FracasEmils 39
Ladys speed DateSammy 40
Tyrell Summerscantrell24 3398
TYRELL POWER RUSH (updated version)MiSiO 278 Formal
2nd place Euros melee. Knights against KarholdsEmils 39
Kingsguards of King RenlyMetch 14
Barat Rose knightMadus 8
Melee "Regional" 2nd place, ETX Tacoma, WA 5/27/2016 KnightsBluebird503 240 Other
Tyrell LotC: GenCon Melee Top 16Freelancesnails 32 Premier
In Noj's Name - King of Swiss & Top 4 GenCon Melee 2017fauxintel 239 Premier
Bountiful Bouquet(1st place Olympic Cards and Comics SC)MelisandreSwagg 68 Formal
Tyrell Rains Store Championship Winner Jenkintown PAhattrickflyer 374 Formal
KnightsGorutauro 1
Crème Melee - 3rd Place Stahleck MeleeWorldSerpent 152 Premier
First Player Melee Top 4Kennon 263 Formal
Bara Rose Power Knightsscantrell24 3398
Because the Knight belongs to Loras - 4-0 Winner 12 PlayersLeafgreeneyedboy 15
The Longest Plan - Fracas 2017 Top16 FinisherLord Hakkera 21 Premier
Lady’s KnightIthryn 12
Lanni Rose Bestowscantrell24 3398
Shadow Lannisterltvilkaslt 2
Lanny/Rose Stahleck Melee 1st of 159 playersLGB 171 Other
Kingsguard controlGarlatlan 8